One of the activity related that is offered by Clare Lavery is dictogloss “this is a technique where a text is read twice at normal speed and the student write down the key words or phrases, after which they reconstruct the text together in a small group”.[1] The main purpose is that the students understand and then reconvey the meaning of the passage, concentrating on the communicative aspect of the activity rather than producing a grammatically perfect text.
In the same way David Nunan explain the stage of dictogloss as follow:[2]
a. Preparation. At this stage, teachers prepare students the text they will be hearing by asking question and discussing a stimulus picture, by discussing vocabulary, by ensuring that student know what they are supposed to do, and by ensuring that the students are in the appropriate groups.
b. Dictation. Learners hear the dictation twice. The first time, they listen only and get the general feeling for the text. The second time they take down notes, being encouraged to listen for content words which will assist them in reconstructing the text. For reason of consistency, it is preferable that students listen to a cassette recording rather than teacher-read text
c. Reconstructing. At the conclusion of dictation, learners pool notes and produce their version of the text. During this stage it is important that the teacher does not provide any language input.
d. Analysis and correction. There are various ways of dealing with this stage. The small group version can be reproduced on the board or overhead projector, the text can be photocopied and distributed, or the student can compare their version with the original, sentence by sentence.
Dictogloss is not the only activity that can be applied for contemporary listening teaching, But also some dictation activities considered by David Nunan and Lindsay Miller can be an excellent activities to reinforce student’s language skill. Because, the purpose of these activities is not only improving student listening skill but also to improve other skills. these activities are: Piccaso dictation, memory dictation, group dictation race, fast speech dictation, and listening cloze dictation.[3]
a. Piccaso dictation
Unlike usual dictation which student concern to the word or sentence, it is concern to identify the meaning. So that students express their answer by drawing picture. And the purpose of this activity is the practice of listening to description of place, special relation, and preposition of place.
Draw the picture base on the information said by your teacher
This is my room:
1) There is one bedroom with two pillows on it
2) There is the desk and chair beside the bedroom
3) There is three books on the desk
4) There is a pair of slipper under the bedroom
5) There is the computer in the room
b. Memory dictation
This is an activity that involves student memory. Teacher is only the facilitator while the student should memorize the text given and then dictate it to his classmates. And finally his friends will analyze the key answer. In addition, the purposes of activities is listen for information and ordering of event
Memorize these sentences one by one below and dictate it to your partner.
1) The two men appeared out of nowhere, a few yards apart in the narrow, moonlit lane.
2) For a second they stood quite still, wands directed at each other's chests; then, recognizing each other.
3) They stowed their wands beneath their cloaks and started walking briskly in the same direction.
4) "News?" asked the taller of the two.
5) "The best," replied Severus Snape.
6) The lane was bordered on the left by wild, low-growing brambles, on the right by a high.
7) The men's long cloaks flapped around their ankles as they marched.
8) Thought I might be late
9) But I hope he will be satisfied
10) They turned right, into a wide driveway that led off the lane.
c. Group dictation race
Actually Race or game can heal the tedious. Dictation is not always boring if we can develop it with race. In the class student are divided into small group, every group have own a piece of paper to write the answer when teacher dictate the text student write on this paper. Then student compare their answer with the other group, for the right answer the group get 1 point. In the end of the race, the high score becomes the winner. This activity is very useful. Because, it encourage cooperation develops grammatical accuracy in listening comprehension and transfers this to writing skill.
Divide the students into small group and each group write the passage read by the teacher.

Well these activities above are only a view of dictation activities. However there still many dictation teaching which can be taught to students. The explanation of the activities above have been giving description that dictation is not always old technique which is boring and teacher center only.
[1] Clare Lavery, Language Assistant (London: The British Council, 2001) p. 90
[2] David Nunan, Language Teaching Methodology (Hertfordshire: Prentice Hall International Limited:1991) p 28
[3] David Nunan and Lindsay Miller, New Ways In Teaching Listening, (Illinois: Pantagraph Printing, 1995) pp. 55
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